

  1. – 28. júl 2021 Viedeň

Austria has a long-standing tradition in biophysics: in 2021, the Austrian Biophysical Society will celebrate its 60th birthday. Founded in 1961, Biophysics Austria is among the oldest biophysical societies in Europe and hosted the first European meeting in Biophysics in Baden by Vienna in 1971. The 2021 congress will be held under the umbrella and with the support of the European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA).  Many well-known companies will support this meeting.

We designed an outstanding scientific programme covering most biophysical research directions, including single-molecule biophysics, high resolution optical and force microscopy, ion channels and transporters, lipids and membranes, structural biology, theoretical biophysics, cell mechanics, and many other subjects.

Our event features cross-disciplinary plenary lectures that foster discussions at or beyond the frontiers of current biophysical research. For the first time, a public lecture will start the congress. Nobel laureate Ada Yonath is honoring the contribution of Erwin Schrödinger to life sciences by outlining her view on the old question „What is life?“. The lecture will be open to any person interested in science.

More than 60 invited speakers have already agreed to share their latest exciting results. More than 70 slots are planned for the junior researchers to present their results.

We are preparing our meeting as a hybrid meeting, i.e., we would like to welcome every interested biophysicist – independent of the travel situation. If vaccination is unable to stop the pandemic spread, the meeting will be held online. In this case, all registration fees will be converted to virtual fees.

Please pay attention to many bursaries and awards provided by EBSA, Biophysics Austria, and the Biophysical Society of America. We also have exciting news for all young parents struggling to combine science and family – we will offer child care for the participants!

The Austrian Biophysical Society is highly pleased and honored to host the scientific communities from the European Biophysics Associate Societies. We will go to great lengths to make EBSA 2021 meeting in Vienna most enjoyable and as memorable as possible!

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