Based on the initiative of prof. P. Miškovský and Dr. D. Chorvát, a section of the Slovak Biophysical Society (SKBS) called Slovak BioImaging was founded in 2013, from which the concept of the Slovak BioImaging Network (SkBIN) was developed. SkBIN unites workplaces, forming a potential Slovak node in the Euro-BioImaging network. It currently unites the UPJŠ Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences in Košice, the International Laser Center in Bratislava, the Institute of Animal Biochemistry and Genetics of SAS and SAFTRA Photonics s.r.o.
Euro-BioImaging (EuBI) is a European research infrastructure that provides open physical user access to a wide range of “state-of-the-art” technologies in biological and biomedical imaging. EuBI was founded as a distributed European network of centers of excellence with a central coordination and control center – the Hub (Finland, Italy and EMBL) and local national Nodes that form a network of specialized imaging centers providing machine time and services in the field of bioimaging, medical imaging and image data processing in the form of international user access, as well as training for users and providers of imaging infrastructures.
In 2015, SkBIN was evaluated by an independent panel of international experts and recognized as the future national Node of the Slovak Republic in the Euro-BioImaging network. SkBIN’s area of expertise is multi-modal advanced light microscopy (Multi-modal Node for Advanced Light Microscopy).
The Slovak participants of the EUBI project will be involved primarily in the activities of providing access and solving user projects in the national SkBIN infrastructure, as well as in the activities of international user training and networking activities.
Through the EuBI ERIC consortium, researchers from Slovakia will have access to the most modern imaging technologies in the biological and biomedical sciences, as well as expertise and infrastructure for image data analysis.