About the author rastislav.adamek

15th European Biophysical Congress

15th European Biophysical Congress

30. June – 4. July 2025 Rome, Italy

The Italian Society for Pure and Applied Biophysics (SIBPA) together with the European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA) and the Protein Society, and with the support of IUPAB, is happy to announce the 15th EBSA Congress in Rome, Italy, from the 30th of June to the 4th of July 2025.

We are truly thrilled to bring this prestigious event back to Italy, particularly to Rome-a city that embodies the spirit of collaboration. In ancient times, Rome achieved its greatness by embracing inclusion. Emperor Claudius, in a famous speech to the Senate in 48 AD, highlighted that Rome’s strength lay not only in its power but in its ability to integrate and collaborate with the diverse peoples of the Empire.

It is a fortunate coincidence that 2025 marks the Catholic Jubilee year, promising a revitalized Rome filled with exceptional cultural events and entertainment opportunities. We look forward to welcoming you to an inspiring congress in this extraordinary city.

Read more: https://www.ebsa2025.eu/

10th Regional Biophysics Conference

10th Regional Biophysics Conference

26. – 30. august 2024 Split, Croatia

The Regional Biophysics Conference (RBC) was founded by the biophysical societies of Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia with the aim of presenting the latest developments in experimental, theoretical and applied biophysics. The high quality of the RBC and its long tradition attract leading experts in the field to share the latest research results and perspectives on recent breakthroughs in this dynamic, interdisciplinary field. The RBC places great emphasis on building and strengthening research collaborations and working with instrument manufacturers to present new methodological and technological discoveries to a large community of scientists and potential customers.

Special attention is paid to young researchers and students. To increase the interest of young researchers in RBC, this year a special session will be dedicated to the two-day 15th International Summer School of Biophysics. These events are jointly organized by Croatian Biophysical Society and University of Split School of Medicine.

Read more: https://rbc2024.biofizika.hr/

XI. Slovenské biofyzikálne sympózium

XI. Slovenské biofyzikálne sympózium

12. – 14. jún 2024 Štrbské pleso, Slovensko

Milé kolegyne, milí kolegovia,

srdečne Vás pozývame na XI. ročník Sympózia Slovenskej biofyzikálnej spoločnosti. Tento ročník tradičného bienálneho podujatia je organizovaný Slovenskou biofyzikálnou spoločnosťou (SKBS) v spolupráci s Oddelením biofyziky Ústavu experimentálnej fyziky SAV, v. v. i. v Košiciach. Hlavným poslaním sympózia je umožniť stretnutie biofyzikov zo Slovenska, poskytnúť priestor na prezentáciu najnovších výsledkov dosiahnutých v biofyzikálnom výskume, sprostredkovať posilnenie spolupráce medzi jednotlivými vedeckými tímami pôsobiacimi v tejto oblasti a prispieť k upevneniu a nadviazaniu kolegiálnych a priateľských vzťahov medzi členmi spoločnosti. V rámci podujatia bude udelená Cena SKBS pre mladého vedca do 35 rokov a Cena SKBS za prínos k rozvoju biofyziky na Slovensku. Súčasťou sympózia bude aj Valné zhromaždenie členov SKBS. Sympózium je plánované prezenčnou formou. Rokovacími jazykmi sú slovenčina alebo angličtina.

Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete na web stránke sympózia: https://skbs2024.saske.sk/

4th Meeting of young biophysicists

4th Meeting of young biophysicists

9. – 10. máj 2024 Covilhã, Portugalsko

This meeting will be an excellent opportunity for students and young researchers to share their work and discuss their ideas with peers and renowned researchers from several fields of Biophysics. Thus, the 4th Meeting of Young Biophysicists includes not only lectures from national and international speakers but also oral communications and poster presentations, covering a wide range of scientific contexts.

Read more: https://pybphy.wixsite.com/biophysics-festival

12th International Conference

12th International Conference

5. – 8. september 2023 Košice, Slovensko

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 12th International Conference “Structure and Stability of Biomacromolecules” SSB2023 held in Kosice, Slovakia, from September 5 to September 8, 2023.

The abstract submission deadline is July 15.

The meeting will focus on experimental and theoretical approaches to studying the structure, stability, and aggregation of biomacromolecules and their application in medicine, drug design, or nanotechnologies.

The reduced fee (100 EUR) is offered for PhD students to support the participation of young scientists.

SSB2023 takes place at the Institute of Experimental Physics in Kosice.

Please save the link to the webpage, all information will be available soon ssb2023.saske.sk



31. júl – 4. august 2023 Štokholm, Švédsko

An EBSA congress in Sweden is timely. In 1986, the first EBSA Workshop was hosted by the Swedish Biophysical Society and Professor Anders Ehrenberg, the first president of EBSA. In 2023, after a series of great EBSA meetings around Europe, the Swedish Society for Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology (SFBBM) is again, jointly with EBSA and Protein Society, proud to host the 14th EBSA congress at Stockholm University, supported by the Swedish National Committee for Molecular Biosciences (of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). In this meeting, we are honored to also collaborate with the Biophysical Society, IUPAB and SciLifeLab.
In Biophysics, we investigate properties of time, force, and motion in biomolecular assemblies and processes – from single molecules to cells and tissues – and relate these to biological function. Biophysics has evolved dramatically since 1986, and many Nobel prices have been awarded to biophysicists to previous EBSA Plenary Lecturers in the past, and Nobel Prize winners will also participate in the upcoming congress. The EBSA-2023 will be held at the Aula Magna at Stockholm University, which is also known for hosting the Nobel Lectures in Physics and Chemistry.
EBSA-2023 will offer a creative meeting ground for investigating how the most novel experimental, theoretical and computational approaches in Biophysics can be synergistically tailored to improve our understanding of biological function, and thereby build an even stronger scientific bridge between physics, biology and medicine.
We are much looking forward to learning more about your most recent findings at EBSA-2023, and to jointly enjoy novel breakthroughs in this wide and exciting field. Read more: https://mkon.nu/ebsa

Regional Biophysics Conference 2022

Regional Biophysics Conference 2022

22. – 26. august 2022  Pécs, Maďarsko

The Regional Biophysics Conference is a traditional scientific meeting established by the biophysical societies of Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. However, the conference is open to biophysicists from all around the world.

With 200 expected participants and 5 days of stimulating interactions, it is expected to be one of the most important European scientific forums in the region besides the European Biophysics Societies’ Association Congress.

Scientific topics of RBC2022:

  • Cell and tissue mechanics
  • Membrane and ion channel biophysics
  • BioImaging
  • Protein biophysics
  • Molecular spectroscopy
  • Nanoscale biophysics and material sciences
  • Systems biology, bioinformatics, computer modelling
  • Biomedical application and neurosciences

Read more: http://www.rbc2022.hu/


  1. – 28. July 2021 Vienna

Austria has a long-standing tradition in biophysics: in 2021, the Austrian Biophysical Society will celebrate its 60th birthday. Founded in 1961, Biophysics Austria is among the oldest biophysical societies in Europe and hosted the first European meeting in Biophysics in Baden by Vienna in 1971. The 2021 congress will be held under the umbrella and with the support of the European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA).  Many well-known companies will support this meeting.

We designed an outstanding scientific programme covering most biophysical research directions, including single-molecule biophysics, high resolution optical and force microscopy, ion channels and transporters, lipids and membranes, structural biology, theoretical biophysics, cell mechanics, and many other subjects.

Our event features cross-disciplinary plenary lectures that foster discussions at or beyond the frontiers of current biophysical research. For the first time, a public lecture will start the congress. Nobel laureate Ada Yonath is honoring the contribution of Erwin Schrödinger to life sciences by outlining her view on the old question “What is life?”. The lecture will be open to any person interested in science.

More than 60 invited speakers have already agreed to share their latest exciting results. More than 70 slots are planned for the junior researchers to present their results.

We are preparing our meeting as a hybrid meeting, i.e., we would like to welcome every interested biophysicist – independent of the travel situation. If vaccination is unable to stop the pandemic spread, the meeting will be held online. In this case, all registration fees will be converted to virtual fees.

Please pay attention to many bursaries and awards provided by EBSA, Biophysics Austria, and the Biophysical Society of America. We also have exciting news for all young parents struggling to combine science and family – we will offer child care for the participants!

The Austrian Biophysical Society is highly pleased and honored to host the scientific communities from the European Biophysics Associate Societies. We will go to great lengths to make EBSA 2021 meeting in Vienna most enjoyable and as memorable as possible!

Read more: https://www.ebsa2021.org



Biophysics Week is a global celebration and an opportunity to engage and inspire people of all ages with the significant contributions biophysics has made to science. Throughout the week, there will be many Affiliate Events, organized by members from all over the world! Check them out and plan to participate. BPS has also organized a week of special events dedicated to celebrating biophysics. Check them out and plan to participate.

Read more: https://www.biophysics.org/bps-bulletin/celebrate-biophysics-week-2021



Due to the severe current situation and restrictions, as well as the unpredictability of the COVID-19 epidemic and the related safety measures in Hungary and around the world, the Board of the Hungarian Biophysical Society with the organizers consider postponing the Regional Biophysics Conference 2020 with the on-site attendance of the participants for an uncertain period of time.

It is with regret that we have to come to this decision that is very disappointing for us since the Regional Biophysics Congress is one of the main scientific forums in the region and we were very much looking forward to welcoming scientists from the field of biophysics to RBC2020 in the city of Pécs.

Read more: https://rbc2020.hu/